Friday, December 9, 2011

Day 6

I woke up with some tension in my shoulders and lower back.  I think I might take a nap later today, because my body wanted a little more sleep.  I wrote out my prayer by hand first, and I noticed that my prayers are getting longer.  I think the practice of writing my prayers is helping me to work out my thoughts and feelings and entrusting that God works through and in me.  I begin each day trying to give my will and life over to God, and I end each day with the same prayer and intention.  Sometimes I fail miserably to live this out, but I think it's more about setting my intention and centering my desires by desiring to turn my life and will over to God.  Here is the prayer that rose from my heart-mind today:

Jesus, my brother and friend, please walk with me this day.
Holy Spirit dwell in me and help me to actually feel the emotions that are coursing through me.
God, help to no repress my feelings, but sit with them and become aware of them, so I can accept and embrace them as gifts; blessings, because they call for me grow. 

I've been feeling overwhelmed with anger and resentment towards You and Your Church.
Help me to work through and past my own fears and expectations that keep me locked in.
Free my heart, so I may let go of control.

Help me to let go of resentment towards people who've hurt me in the past.  Help me to see their suffering, and have compassion for them because they too are sick and trying to be whole like me.  Most of all, help me to have love and compassion for myself as I journey towards this new place of actually feeling all the things inside of me,  I am learning to simply be in Your presence as I am.  Help me to breathe through hardships today, so I may live each moment with gratitude.  Help me Lord to experience this day as a gift.  Amen.

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