Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Day 10

I woke up late around 10am, which is really late for me.  My body must have been really exhausted.  Everyday is a new day at L'Arche and yesterday was full of little unexpected turns.

Prayer for today:

Divine Mother/Father, Creator of the Universe, You who delight in even the smallest "insignificant" single cell organism, thank you for breathing life into me.  I give thanks for the lives of beautiful people that surround me, who help me to grow.

I've been asking for help each day, so I may fully live into the person that I am, so I may love You and love others fully.  Help me this day to live in the Truth that I am beloved by You, and so is each life that I encounter today.  Help me to remember this reality when I find my voice becoming critical with someone I don't respect or like.  Help me today to accept the hard things as a pathway to peace.  I love you God.  Help me to bask in Your love, so I may share this contagious joy with laughter, singing and presence.  May Your peace be with You.  :)  Amen.

Yes, I wrote a smiley face in my prayer to God.  :)  What's life without humor, even in prayer?

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