Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 5

Yesterday I read a section from "Opening the Heart" in a book called The Wisdom of the Enneagram by Richard Riso and Russ Hudson, they wrote:

Change and transformation do not--and cannot--occur without emotional transformation, without the heart being touched.  We feel the call to transformation in our hearts, and only our hearts can answer.  What moves us is "E-motion," the movement of our Essence, the movement of love.  If our heart is closed, no matter how much spiritual knowledge we have accumulated, we will not be able to respond to the call; nor will our knowledge make any real difference in our lives.

Αn open heart enables us to participate fully in our experiences and connect in a real way with the people in our lives.  From our hearts, we "taste" our experiences and are able to discern what is true and valuable.  In this respect, we might say that it is the heart, not the mind, that knows [Riso & Hudson, 360]

As I'm learning more and more about myself, and especially the wall of personality I have built to cope with past situations, I am relearning to be my true self.  I am actually feeling feelings I have repressed deep inside of me, or things I tried to numb or block out with compulsive behavior.  My prayer for today is a greater opening of my heart:

Hello God.
Thanks for helping me wake up with an intention to be present to You.
I give thanks for this 18" journey I am on from my mind to my heart.
Help me to integrate what I know in  my head with how I am being.
My heart has been opening little by little, so I am grateful for Your help.
Help me to continue on this journey and be loving and patient with myself as I
continually open my heart to Your love.  As I root myself more deeply in your Heart,
please guide me in sharing Your contagious love and joy with others. 

I ask You to be with my brother as he journeys through some big transitions in his life, and all those
struggling to find meaning and purpose.  I give thanks for my Heart-Mind, and wisdom You have placed within the core of my being.  Help me to trust the prayer of the Holy Spirit within me, so that I may do Your work.  Please guide my thoughts, my feelings, and my actions today.  Amen.

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