Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 12

I find myself returning to old thought patterns.  When I'm cranky and tired, I can become full of angst and then I project my anger towards another in the form of criticisms.  I want to really grow out of this negative behavior or become more aware of it, so I can let go.  But maybe it first starts with admitting this negative aspect of me and accepting what's underneath it.

My prayer today:

God, help me feel my own insecurities today.
Help me to not project my fears upon others, but
help me to become more aware of what's underneath it all.

Sometimes I hide behind my mask of niceness,
but then I can really lash out with a critical voice.
Help me drop my false masks,
but also to embrace aggression I've repressed for a long time.
Help me Lord to channel my aggression and fears,
and transform them into energy in service of others.
I don't really understand all of this, but I trust You'll help
me navigate through my own confusion. 
Thank You for giving me another day to greet with a smile.

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