Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Day 23

Yesterday was an interesting day.  The overnight awake was not there, so me and Barry had to do shifts for the overnight awake.  I woke up 2.45am, and I did not really get real sleep till 9:20pm or so.  I think I was having visions as I watched Sherlock Holmes with my friend.  It was a wonderful day, I spent the morning with two of my friends at Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, and all three of us spent some time in prayer and then had a meal together.

I've been more appreciative of the little things in life, since I have lived at L'Arche.  It's no longer conceptual, this appreciation of little things, but it's woven into my daily rhythm.  Daily rhythms of my community isn't like the rhythms of Trappists, Cistercian monks [Monastic Religious Order in the Catholic Church], but there's a feeling tied to the flow of everyday things.  L'Arche like monastic life is relational, you can't escape folks you see everyday, and you can't escape yourself.  

Before I share my prayer for today, here is a quote from Leo Tolstoy from Wise Thoughts for Every Day
     The real power of a person is found not in his busy schedule
     or loud actions but in his quiet, constant desire to do what is
     good, as expressed in his thoughts, words, and actions.

My prayer for today:

Thank You my friend for giving me a day of presence.
Thanks for sustaining me even though my body was tired.
May You walk with me today, and in my steps.

Help me to slow down and connect to my heart and may
my heart be always connected to You, the Source, the Essence
of Life.  Bless me o Lord, so I may desire to do Your will even
when I don't really have a clue what that might be.  Help me trust
that desiring to do Your will is more than enough.  Help me be not
tempted to think my own knowledge and will is always in line with Your will,
because I can even full myself with my lies and illusions.
I want to be who I really am, and I want to live in Truth.  Amen.

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