Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 70

Dear God,

Thank You for this day. 
I am grateful for my life, even all the ups and downs.
I'm grateful for meeting the people that drive me crazy, people
that have hurt me and continue to hurt me, because they all teach me to love.

We are all suffering people with problems trying to do the best we can.  Help me
to be rooted in Your love.  Help me not react so damn much, and turn my anger inward
towards myself.  Help me to be grateful for my struggles, and really celebrate the joys that enter my life.

God help me with my loneliness.  I feel like I'm walking this path on most days by myself, so help me remember that I'm never alone.  You are always with me and within me.  Help me to trust in the hope that lies with each day.  Amen.

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