Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day 86

Thank You Lord this day.  Help me to let go things that's not mine to claim, and embrace the gifts You've given me fully so I may use it to serve my brothers and sisters.  I desire to do Your will even though sometimes I have no clue what that might be.  Amen.

Day 85

Love keeps on embracing me with warmth.  Amen.

Day 84

I keep on truckin' cause You keep on giving me grace.  Amen.

Day 83

Grateful for life that sustains me, and for a life that invites me to live more deeply.  Amen.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 82

Thank You Lord for a day with friends, a day with laughter, and day of hanging out with old crazy men.  Amen.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 81

Lord, take away my fear.  Help me open my heart to You.  Help me to love my family for who they are and not what I would like them to be.  Amen.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 80

My body goes through withdrawal and the God sized hole I tried to fill
with booze and sex fades as You fill me with peace and sometimes quiet

God, I've experienced You in my life in the little moments in these last 4 months that
I never even dreamed in seminary.  Spiritual life is not a theory, but a joyous embrace
of reality as it is.  I love the moments that fill me with tears and the moments that fill me with laughter, and everything in between.  Amen.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Day 79

Thank you Jesus[Joshua], my brother, for the journey you took.

May I have the courage to follow you on the road to Jerusalem, to Gethsamane, death and then new life.

Day 78

Thank You for this day of fire. 

May my passionate love for You Creator burn away my selfishness.

May I be a little light that burns even in the darkest of nights.  Amen.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day 77

Thank You Lord for the gift of silence and friendships where I can just be.  Amen.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 76

Thank You for this day. For a Day filled with good friends and laughter.  Amen.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Day 75

I pray for my friends who are sick and suffering. 
I pray that I may remain spiritually fit, so I may
relate to others from my experience of pain and
help them grow past it.

Thank You Lord for helping to walk the path of acceptance and love.
I am not proud of the things I've done and said, but I am making right
with You, others and myself.  All I can do is try a little more each day,
and let it go.  Amen.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 74

Today is a day of golden colors.
A day where the beautiful sun shines its rays on Your creation.

Thank You for being patient with me Lord.  Help me to keep growing in Your love.

May I share Your love with joy and understanding. 
May I be a channel of Your love, peace, and presence through the little actions of listening, laughing, and being with.  Amen.

Day 72

Lost Day 2:

My soul has ached for so  long that at first I feel guilty for being well.

My quickly I realize that my heart is meant to sing with joy all the pain, joy, and experiences in between.
The fullness of my life is how You have worked in this person called me, and when I am fully alive I witness to how the Creator is breathing life into me.  Holy Spirit walk with me, Holy Spirit pray in me and help me to sing with all my being.  Amen.

Day 71

Lost Day 1:

I want to jump to the finish line, but hear the words "easy does it."

Help me to Love myself one day at a time, and to share with courage
the Love I've received as a gift from You.  Amen.

Day 73

Lost Day 3:


                                  move                       ­          because i am bursting with joy and song.
                                   my                                     breath leads me to the seat of my heart
              whole                                          ­ 
                                                             ­             out of

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 70

Dear God,

Thank You for this day. 
I am grateful for my life, even all the ups and downs.
I'm grateful for meeting the people that drive me crazy, people
that have hurt me and continue to hurt me, because they all teach me to love.

We are all suffering people with problems trying to do the best we can.  Help me
to be rooted in Your love.  Help me not react so damn much, and turn my anger inward
towards myself.  Help me to be grateful for my struggles, and really celebrate the joys that enter my life.

God help me with my loneliness.  I feel like I'm walking this path on most days by myself, so help me remember that I'm never alone.  You are always with me and within me.  Help me to trust in the hope that lies with each day.  Amen.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Day 69

Lord Thank You for a new day.  A new start.  May I open myself to each moment anew.  Amen.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 68

I long for Peace My God.
Peace with myself,
Peace with others,
and at Peace with You.

I have fought this battle
against You and against life
for so long.  I am tired and restless.

I surrender to You.  I give up the fight.
But in giving up, and in surrendering to You,
I receive new life.  I am very slow to understand,
but bit by bit I finally experience the saying
"Surrender is Victory."  Amen.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 67

Thank you for this day.  A day of gold.
A day where I got to breathe and rest in my body and heart.  Amen.

Day 66

Thank you for this Thursday.
A day of trees in Korean Calendar.
I give thanks for the earth and the sky.  Amen. 

Day 65

3 Days behind:

Lord, I give you praise for this Wednesday.
A day of water.  A day of celebration.
A good day to live.  Amen.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Day 64

I lived my life checked out and disconnected,
and I blamed You for my pain.

I saw a father who represented You
make all the wrong the moves, and I thought
that meant I could resent the hell out of You
and Your damn Church.

I still hold all this anger inside, Help me to let it go.
There's no one to fight, no one to yell at.  Just slowly
imploding with resentment. 

May I let go of fear and let in Your love. 
May I be compassionate instead of pointing the angry finger.  Amen.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 63

I am restless O Lord My God.
A sleepless night really shows me
the importance of peace of mind.
Grant me the strength to get through the day
fully present to myself and to others around me.
Be in my aching muscles and tired bones.

O Creator, put my anxiety at ease and help me to trust in You.

Please grant me pardon for speaking ill of others
and become more compassionate to those who struggle.
May I examine my own actions and words
before I project my dissatisfaction to others.  Amen.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Day 62

Creator, breather life into me today.
Help me let go of my ego,
so I can open myself in being present to others.

Help me to break the cycle of violence that has been
passed through the hands of my ancestors.  Help me
to stop judging myself and those nearest and closest to me. 
Help me to love with a joyous freedom that only comes from a life
grounded in Your life, a life without fear.

Day 61

For Sat:

Thank You Lord for another day of being present to myself and others.  Amen.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Day 60

The World shines with beauty.
May I be drunk on Your Love and
marvel at creations infinite beauty.

Help me to stay open, so I can open myself
to interconnectedness of all things. 
Holy Spirit walk with me and pray in me.  Amen.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Day 59

Thank You Creator for breathing life into me.
Thank You for the gifts of the spiritual life that
help me to delve into new levels of freedom.
My I embrace all of life with an open heart and open mind.  Amen.

Day 58

Thank You for the gift of forgiveness and making up for days lost.  Amen.