Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 44

Thank You Lord for the gifts of the  day.
I give thanks for the breath of life,
I give thanks for my the birds flying free in the city.
I give thanks for strangers on the bus, who have the Divine Spark
that You gave to all of us.

Thank You for the winter season, for the moon, and the tides.
I pray for my friends in the sea that they're not over fished, and
they're homes not destroyed my humans like me.

Thank You Lord for the simplicity of my community, and for
us being rooted in this busy city that is Washington, D.C.
I pray for all the lives that have walked, breathed, ate, slept, laughed,
cried, and prayed at Euclid House.  I give thanks for their life, and
the heritage and life that they have left behind.  I give thanks for
the interconnection of life, especially as it is felt and lived in
the community of L'Arche. 

I give thanks for the fellowship I have found outside my community, but
I give thanks for my home being the center in which I can explore and
grow.  Thank You for providing a home, a community, a place for me
where I feel safe to be me.  I am learning to simply be.

Help me God of my ancestors, Creator of the Universe to root myself
to this place.  Thank You for leading me to a place where I can grow,
please help me to stay.  I commit to You O Lord, to my community,
to myself, to the circle of love around me one day a time.  Amen.

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