Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 57

Thank You Lord for the gift of community.
Help me be more open and vulnerable with myself
and with you.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Day 56

Lord Grant me serenity to be myself. 
Give me the courage to grow, and wisdom to trust in You, myself and others.  Amen.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 55

Dear God. 
Take away my anger. 
Take away my fear to be present.
Take away my shame.
May I live life with joy and courage.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 54

Thank You God for the little things in life.  For laughter and friendships.  Amen.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 53

Thank You Lord for all the help You've given me and continue to give me
each day and in each moment.

Help me to keep surrendering my life and will over to You.
I desire to live into the phrase, "surrender is victory."
If my life is in no longer mine, then I have no more reasons
to live in fear.  No reason to control.  Help me to live into
living a fearless life. 

Help me Lord to help others who are suffering like me, and
help not for my own ego or well being, but because of Your
abundant love overflowing in me.  Amen.

Day 52

Thanks for the gift of travel.  Keep all those who travel safe, including me.  Amen.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 51

Help me to seek connection today.
Help me to let go of the little things I'm holding back from You.
I want to fully surrender, but I still have fear.
Help me Lord to have the courage to fully trust You.  Amen.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 50

Dear God. 
May I be grounded in Your love today. 
May I be at peace with You, myself, and others.  Amen.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 49

My mind is numb.  Help me wake up from my drowsy sleep.  Help me be present to life.  Amen.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 48

Thank You for the gift of my family, good food, and a loving home.  Amen.

Day 47

Thank You for good laughter, friends and little moments of life.  Amen.

Day 46

The last few days I've been travelling:

Thank You Lord.  Keep me safe.  Amen.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 45

Thank You Lord for this Day of rest.
May I be still and rest in Your Love today.  Amen.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 44

Thank You Lord for the gifts of the  day.
I give thanks for the breath of life,
I give thanks for my the birds flying free in the city.
I give thanks for strangers on the bus, who have the Divine Spark
that You gave to all of us.

Thank You for the winter season, for the moon, and the tides.
I pray for my friends in the sea that they're not over fished, and
they're homes not destroyed my humans like me.

Thank You Lord for the simplicity of my community, and for
us being rooted in this busy city that is Washington, D.C.
I pray for all the lives that have walked, breathed, ate, slept, laughed,
cried, and prayed at Euclid House.  I give thanks for their life, and
the heritage and life that they have left behind.  I give thanks for
the interconnection of life, especially as it is felt and lived in
the community of L'Arche. 

I give thanks for the fellowship I have found outside my community, but
I give thanks for my home being the center in which I can explore and
grow.  Thank You for providing a home, a community, a place for me
where I feel safe to be me.  I am learning to simply be.

Help me God of my ancestors, Creator of the Universe to root myself
to this place.  Thank You for leading me to a place where I can grow,
please help me to stay.  I commit to You O Lord, to my community,
to myself, to the circle of love around me one day a time.  Amen.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 43

Loneliness falls on me quietly like the last leaves of winter. 
          I know I love You Creator, and yet I sometimes get lost in my own mind.
                      I fall into a pit of my own making and nurse my sadness like a
                      wounded cat.

I am loved by You, but sometimes it feels like its not enough.  I know this fact
in my head, but I don't always feel it with my being. 
There are days where my foot steps feel heavy, and all I can do to do the next
right thing is not exploding at innocent stranger.

                       I feel numb.  I feel loved.  I feel found.  I feel lost.
                                       All of the above and more.
                      I am sailing in unknown waters, and I ask for Your guidance.

Walk with me Oh God, who loves the smallest of creatures.  Be in my steps. 
                       Be with me in my loneliness.
                       Be with me as I wail against You, Be with me as I run towards You.
                       Be with me in my sadness and joy.  Amen.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Day 42

Dear God.  I feel really lethargic and tired today. 
I want to just sleep all day. 
Help me to get out of bed and not wallow in my loneliness.  
Thanks a Million.  Amen.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 41

Help me Lord today to seek connection
and let my self let go of myself, so
I can see the interconnection of life
You have woven into creation.

May I be connected to my breath,
my heart, and to You this day.  Amen.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 40

Thank You God for the friends in my life.
Thank You for the little things in my life,
like a roof over my head, good food, and friends
to laugh with.

I ask You for help once again, I have been feeling
lonely of late and I ask You to help me connect to You,
other human beings, and to Your Creation.

May I seek connection so I can grow, and ultimately
help others who are struggling like me. 

Thank You for my crazy family.  Thank You for my own crazy self.

May I rediscover the childhood wonder as I go through growing pains.  Amen.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Day 39

Dear Creator,

I am warn out.  Help me to break from the bondage of self.
My ego and self will has run a muck, and yet I still rely
on my own help to change.

Help me Lord today to genuinely accept Your help, and let
go of my character defects or walls of personality I have built
up.  Help me feel my fears and not run away from them.  I am
grateful for the people You have placed in my life as guides
and fellow pilgrims on this journey of life.  Amen.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 38

Dear Beloved.  Help me know Your love, even when my stubborn ego
refuses to be embraced by a power greater than myself.

Help me to remember that I am not in control, and that
I do not have to earn learn through external perfection.

Help me to let go and move out of the way.  I pray that
more love and hope will enter my life day by day.  Amen.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Day 37

Thank You Lord for this day.  I wasn't an asshole today, even when I was cranky.  Amen.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 36

Thank You Great Spirit for another Tuesday.
Fire day for Koreans, Chinese, and Japanese.
Burn in me Holy Spirit.  Thank You for Poetry
and the music of life.

Day 35

Thank You for reminding me that I am not God.
Thank You for each moment good and all.  Amen.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 34

Thank You Lord giving me
a second chance.

I pray for all those folks I have hurt,
and I hope I can making a living amend by
being more present.  Amen.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 33

Holy Spirit Pray in me today,
as I share with another human being the exact nature of my wrongs.
Help me to be open with myself, and with the Divine presence.

The last few days have been really uncomfortable,
and looking at my past has been difficult.  Help to let go of my
resentments, and hold myself gently, because I have a tendency
to beat myself up for not being perfect.

I love You God and I know You love me, even when I stumble and
fall flat on my face.  I hope and pray that this new level of honesty
leads to a new level of freedom.  Help to me to keep keepin' on.  Amen.

Day 32

A day late:

Help me to face shit I've blocked out of my life. 
God I'm afraid to be honest with myself.
I've done things I'm not proud of,
so help me to really examine how I've hurt myself and others.

Help me to also be gentle and kind with myself, and not feel like a total shit.
Help me to remember that I am loved by You, and despite my mistakes I'm
still a loving human being.  Thank God for my life, the good and the bad.  Amen.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 31

Creator, You who delighted in the creation, delight in me.
                I need Your help to see that I am worthy enough
                                                             to turn my life and will over to You,
                                                             and to serve You and others who are

Help me to grow in the assurance that when You see me,
You see that I am good.  I am part of Your beautiful creation,
and help me to live connected and interconnected to what You
have created. 

Thank you for life pumping in my veins for another day.  Help me to open
up to life and connect with those who are disconnected.  Amen.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 30

O Great Poet. You who spoke the universe into being.
     May Your words enter me today and wake me up to reality.
     Help me to live a spiritual life as more than a theory, but
     a spontaneous joyful living happening every minute, each
     challenge, each ups and downs as a call to grow and keep
     opening my heart.  Amen.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 29

May a Song Rise Out of My Heart.

                    God of my youth, God of My Heart, Hear my Plea.
                                                          Forgive O Lord for so many of my mistakes,
                                                             forgive me Lord for all those I have hurt out
                                                                           of my suffering.
                                                             Help me Lord, to forgive myself.

May Love burst forth from my being.

                    God of this beautiful single moment.  Thank You for waking me
                                   this day.  May I see the world today with a chid's eyes
                                          and laugh with joy and delight at Your Wonderous Creation.  Amen.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 28

Life awakes in me each Day.
         I'm learning to trust the Holy Spirit Praying in Me,
         Guiding my steps and in my steps.

Creator, may I feel Your loving embrace in each moment,
         help me to see the world through eyes of Love,
         starting with loving myself as You love me.  Amen.

Day 27

Day Late Lord, but I know You love me anyway.
Thank you for Your creation.  Help me to live on day at a time.
I give thanks for the year you have given me with all its ups and downs.  Amen.